Archived news from Retro-Kit

Ultra VIDC Enhancer build update

Late last week, the oscillators which were ordered in early December arrived so the Ultra VIDC Enhancer build could re-start and it means that I have enough of the major components to complete all of the boards I have in stock now.

On Sunday, I completed the build of 20 Ultra VIDC Enhancers for the A3000 so now I'm moving on to making up the kits ready for the first round of sales.

This brings the tally of fully made boards up to 35 with 15 being available in the A300/400 configuration and 20 in the A3000 configuration. I'm anticipating the first kits wil be available for sale in the next two or three weeks as the cables required can take just as much time to make up as the boards themselves.

Posted on: 27 Jan 2019@20:47:25, updated on: 27 Jan 2019@20:47:25.


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Featured item of the month

Acorn BBC Master 128

The Acorn BBC Master 128

The Acorn BBC Master 128 was an evolution of the 8-bit Acorn BBC Micro and contained a lot of features which made the machine more usable such as Sideways RAM, dedicated paging system memory areas, a slightly faster CPU whilst still retaining a high level of compatiblity with the original BBC Micro computer.

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Pre-order your Ultra VIDC Enhancer now

I opened up a list of pre-orders in anticipation of creating a new batch of Ultra VIDC Enhancers in 2016. Due to delays, they're now going to be ready in July 2020. Please contact me to enquire about being placed on a pre-order list. No payment is necessary until the Ultra VIDC Enhancers are ready to ship.

A3000 Ultra VIDC kit

The anticipated price should remain the same at £32.50 each + £6.95 P&P to locations in the UK (other countries may incur greater shipping costs). The package includes the Ultra VIDC Enhancer, all connecting cables, headers and jumpers required for your Archimedes and a 3.5" floppy disc with the software on.

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