Retro-Kit site news

Terminal Cancer Diagnosis

It is with a heavy heart that I must announce my terminal Cancer diagnosis. I originally had Cancer in 2015 and was in remission until November 2021 when I received my terminal diagnosis.

Since then, I've been receiving palliative radiotherapy and care.

I'm making best efforts to transfer this site to a place where it can be archived for the future.

For more about my original Cancer treatment in 2015, you can read about it here.

Posted on: 17 Mar 2022@13:23:13, updated on: 17 Mar 2022@13:23:13.


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Featured item of the month

Acorn BBC Master 128

The Acorn BBC Master 128

The Acorn BBC Master 128 was an evolution of the 8-bit Acorn BBC Micro and contained a lot of features which made the machine more usable such as Sideways RAM, dedicated paging system memory areas, a slightly faster CPU whilst still retaining a high level of compatiblity with the original BBC Micro computer.

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Pre-order your Ultra VIDC Enhancer now

I opened up a list of pre-orders in anticipation of creating a new batch of Ultra VIDC Enhancers in 2016. Due to delays, they're now going to be ready in July 2020. Please contact me to enquire about being placed on a pre-order list. No payment is necessary until the Ultra VIDC Enhancers are ready to ship.

A3000 Ultra VIDC kit

The anticipated price should remain the same at £32.50 each + £6.95 P&P to locations in the UK (other countries may incur greater shipping costs). The package includes the Ultra VIDC Enhancer, all connecting cables, headers and jumpers required for your Archimedes and a 3.5" floppy disc with the software on.

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