3Com PCMCIA 10Mbps Ethernet card

The 3Com 10Mbps Ethernet card connects to my Amiga 1200 via the PCMCIA slot located on the left hand side of the computer. There is a minor hardware bug in the Amiga 1200 that means the PCMCIA must be hot-plugged when starting the computer for the first time. The hardware big can be fixed either by way of an additional PCB to address the Gayle PCMCIA reset bug directly or as a consequence of fitting a card that clips over the Gayle chip to provide extra functions such as a FastATA card that also carries the PCMCIA reset fix.

The 3Com Megahertz 10Mbps LAN PCMCIA Ethernet Card

The card connects to custom cable that terminates in a standard 4-wire RJ45 plug for connection to an Ethernet switch or hub.

The 3Com card and custom Ethernet cable

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